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Sunday 15 February 2009

Weeks 9 & 10...

To make up for the lack of information last week, here are the last two week’s worth of results, plus I have printed in full the Individual scores to date so everyone knows exactly where they are up to.

The last two weeks have seen some very popular questions being set. The Byron Bards stand proudly atop the tree for question setting currently with their GK questions from Week 9, albeit the Ox-fford ‘C’ chased them hard with both sets last week. Well done to all concerned for setting good, entertaining questions. The full Cars and Vans 4U Ltd spreadsheet follows on above...

One of the League games in Week 9 has been subject of a written protest to the Committee, a process that is entirely allowed by the rules. Happily the protest does not involve any issues between the two teams involved (who I have kept fully informed separately to this announcement) but rather concerns the accuracy of the answer to one question supplied by the question setters along with the process of resolving disagreements about questions where the answer given is in dispute. The Committee will meet as soon as possible to decide upon the issue and would have done so by now if all the relevant members had been in the country at the same time long enough! The original result of the game is left as recorded as it finished on the night until the Committee have met.

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