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Monday, 27 April 2015

Finals Night Photos - 21/04/2015

Prizes for presentation...

Assorted Dolphins...

...and a few more

Some Shanks...

...and some Park Timers

Tying the Knot...

Covering more miles to get here than anyone else - Mr Andy Johnson

Merry Men (and Woman) from the Robin Hood...

Half (ish) of the Ox-fford 'C'...

Horntails and Taverners...

Your Cup Final Officials - Rick Davis and Ashton Davies...

Cup Finalists - Weaver

Cup Finalists - Waters Green Rams

Cup Runners-up - The Weaver

Cup Winners 2015 - The Waters Green Rams!

Cars and Vans 4U Ltd Question Setters Trophy Winners - Ox-fford!

Nine-Banded Armadillo inaugural winners - the Robin Hood!

Joint winners of the C League Individual title - Rick Davis and a plate...

...or more accurately, Church House Bollington team-mates Rick Davis and Ashton Davies!

C League Champions - Church House Bollington!

B League Individual Champion - the Robin Hood's Jim Kennelly!

B League Champions - Robin Hood!

A League Champions - Ox-fford!

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