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Tuesday, 12 November 2013

If you need more quiz action...and like to support good causes...

...then the below two events are for you...

Church House Bollington – Charity Quizzes

Allan Sherratt informs me that the Church House Inn, Bollington is holding a regular monthly quiz in aid of the Macmillan Macclesfield Live at Home scheme.

Entrance is £5 per team and quizzes are due to be held on the 8th of December and the 12th of January.

The events will kick off at 7.30pm for an 8pm start.

Interested parties can phone the pub on 01625 574014 if they need more details.

Waters Green Tavern – Charity Quiz

In similar vein, Nick Peck from the Waters Green Lemmings tells me that Steve Berwick (ex-Waters Green quiz regular) is running a charity quiz in the Waters Green Tavern on Sunday the 24th of November, 8pm start.

The quiz is in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice and there will be various prizes including funniest team name, worst score etc. as well as the normal winner’s prizes and raffles. Refreshments will be provided.

Entry is £2 per person and no more than 4 people to a team. Nick tells me that there may well be several "loose ends" happy to make up a team on the night. 

This quiz is designed to be a fun evening and all are welcome. Having fun and raising money for East Cheshire Hospice will be more important than winning.

Both the above events are in aid of excellent causes; please do give them your support if you can.

Cup Round 2 and Plate Round 1 Draw...

The second round of the Cup and first round of the Plate has some interesting fixtures - including one or two truly heavyweight contests. See below for the full story...


Cup - Round 1 Results

News & Views - Week 3 (29/10/2013)